The memecoin with a mini-game!


Total supply: 696969696969

Public/private presale: 53,5%

Liquidity pool: 30%

Airdrop rewards: 5%

Team: 5%

CEX: 4%

Marketing: 2.5%

Liquidity will be locked

Contract will be renounced

0/0 TAX

Check out the whitepaper for more details.


Based on the prior success of Yugalabs its ‘DookeyDash’, we introduce: SchruteRun. The game is built on the Roblox platform. It is an endless runner, where players avoid obstacles and collect as many coins as they can. The further you run, the higher your score!

Top 25 players are eligible for the first airdrop. Check out the how-to-play guide to start playing! (1 minute setup)